University of Indonesia in Collaboration with Department of International Relations of UMY Held a Roundtable Discussion on World War II UI Gandeng HI UMY Selenggarakan Rountable Discussion Perang Dunia II

November 4, 2013, oleh: Admin HI

Department of International Relations of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in cooperation with Graduate School of International Relations (European Region Studies), University of Indonesia held a Roundtable Discussion by the theme “Viseguard During World War II”.
Event conducted in Monday (November/4/11) was attended by Head of Graduate School Program of International Relations, University of Indonesia, Dr. Henny Saptatia, M.A and representative from Embassy of Polandia for Indonesia, Mr. Maciej Duszynski. The whole events were designed as interesting as possible by adding session of movie screening of European movies, especially by Viseguard country. There were three movies played during the event taking place in Mini Theater building, Language Training Center of UMY. One of those movies was “Oblawa”, a Hungarian movie; besides there was also “A Napfenzyle”. Those three movies were fully covered by history of World War II which became a lesson learned for all students of International Relations of UMY.
In her speech, Dr Henny, emphasized the importance of learning history of World War II which was indeed started from Europe. There were plenty accidents that led into the conflict at that time. “Many people are not familiar with the term “Viseguard”, in fact, they played important roles within history of World War II”, she strengthened.
Mr. Maciej also emphasized that this movie was expected to enlighten students to possess deep understanding about the phase of World War II. Besides, there was also a Roundtable Discussion attended by inter-universities speakers such as Dr. Sidik Jatmika from Department of International Relations of UMY bringing topic of “History of World War II“. Different topic was also delivered by Dr. Ali Muhammad from UMY explaining about “International Relations among World War II”. Last topic was given by Dafri Agus Salim, M.A from Department of International Relations of UGM entitled “Strategy and Defense”. 
In the end of session, Dr. Ali Muhammad as the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science of UMY said about his expectation towards this event. “I wish that this event would enhance the knowledge of students of International Relations of UMY in term of world history, especially history of World War II”, he closed his speech after the end of discussion. (diah/fikar)Jurusan Hubungan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (HI UMY) bekerja sama dengan Program Pascasarjana Hubungan Internasional Universitas Indonesia (UI) Kajian Kawasan Eropa menyelenggarakan Rountable Discussion dengan tema “Viseguard During World War II”.
Acara yang berlangsung Senin (4/11/2013) ini dihadiri Ketua Program Pascasarjana Hubungan Internasional UI Dr. Henny Saptatia, M.A, serta perwakilan dari Kedutaan Polandia untuk Indonesia, Mr. Maciej Duszynski. Rangkaian acara pun disusun semenarik mungkin dengan menyelipkan sesi movie screening film-film produksi Eropa, terutama oleh negara-negara Viseguard. Total ada 3 film yang diputar sepanjang acara yang mengambil tempat di gedung Mini Theatre Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa (PPB) UMY. Diantaranya adalah film produksi Polandia, “Oblawa”, dan juga film produksi Hungaria, “A NapfenyIze”. Ketiga film yang diputar sarat dengan sejarah Perang Dunia (PD) II yang bisa menjadi pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa HI UMY.
Dalam pidato sambutannya, bu Henny, begitu beliau akrab disapa, menekankan pentingnya mempelajari sejarah PD II yang titik apinya memang berasal dari kawasan Eropa. Banyak kejadian-kejadian kecil yang berpotensi menyulut konflik pada masa itu. “Banyak yang kurang familiar dengan istilah ‘Viseguard’. Padahal, keberadaan negara-negara kecil ini begitu penting dalam sejarah PD II”, tukasnya.
Seakan ingin memberi penekanan pada apa yang disampaikan bu Henny, Mr. Maciej pun menambahkan bahwa melalui film ini, nantinya akan memberi sedikit pencerahan bagi para mahasiswa dalam memahami alur Perang Dunia II.
Sementara itu, selain movie screening, bertempat di ruang Simulasi Sidang HI UMY, pihak penyelenggara juga mengadakan acara Rountable Discussion yang dihadiri oleh narasumber-narasumber lintas universitas Dr. Sidik Jatmika dari HI UMY membawakan materi “History of World War II”. Berbeda topik bahasan, Dr. Ali Muhammad yang juga dari HI UMY mencoba menyampaikan materi tentang “International Relations among World War II”. Dan materi terakhir tentang “Strategy and Defense”disampaikan oleh Dafri Agus Salim, M.A. selaku dosen HI Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
Di akhir kegiatan Dr. Ali Muhammad yang juga Dekan FISIPOL UMY menyampaikan harapannya terkait penyelenggaraan acara ini, “semoga dengan diselenggarakannya acara ini akan semakin menambah pengetahuan mahasiswa HI UMY akan sejarah politik dunia, khususnya sejarah Perang Dunia II”, tutupnya. (diah/fikar)